Golden Milestone project celebration – 50 years of golden memories

Category : Activities

GHS Milestone project celebration

The project is to record the history and memories of Gujarat Hindu Society over a period of 50 years closely linked with cultural, traditions and their settlement in Preston and a huge success as a social enterprise recognized throughout the region.

GHS main hall was decorated with vibrant flowers and there were more than 20 huge panels with photographs given by various people from the year 1965 to 2015. Various workshops were held to capture life from the 1960s and 70s until present date. All the collected photo and information were captured in the panels displayed during the celebration.

Display of Indian culture, Hinduism, their gods, traditional cloths and musical instruments were eye catching.


After tasty Indian refreshments, President Ishwar Tailor invited VIPs including representatives from LCC, Lancashire constabulary, Media and other dignitaries who supported GHS to light up special lamp to start the celebration.

Celebration included special displays of Indian classical, Bollywood, fusion dancing and a very cute Balkung group dance where children from year 3-12 showcase traditional dance in local language.

Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and assistance from the Harris Museum the society has now traced and recorded its history.

Video captured for the Golden Milestone were also displayed during the celebration followed by demonstration of GHS Website, where all the information related to Golden Milestone is captured including Gallery, timeline etc.

Celebration ended by inspirational speeches from dignitaries, President, Secretary and cake cutting.

Project Sponsors:

Heritage lottery fund

Supported by –

  • Harries museum art gallery & library
  • Lancashire county council records office

Project initiator & Co-ordinator:

Mr Ishwer Tailor MBE JPDL

Project Manager:

Abhinandana Kodanda

Graphics designer and admin support:

Shreya Ghodke (Arteecraft)

Video support:

Nick Butterworth (Butterworth creative production)

Webdesign and development support:

Rakesh Ghodke (WebnMore Solutions)


Joshi, Purnima, Hema, Shivam, Dev, Khushalbhai, Prahladbhai, Chandubhai

Many thanks to people who have shared their experiences, stories, and photographs


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