About Gujarat Hindu Society
The Gujarat Hindu Society was established in 1965 to cater for and service the needs of the local community in Preston, Lancashire. Today the Gujarat Hindu Society engages with the community by providing sport and recreational facilities, education, social services, and a cultural base for the community in Preston. The GHS Centre runs over thirty different activities with the help of volunteers and paid staff. This is done by working in partnership with many public and voluntary sector organisations - for example: Lancashire Adult Learning and the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing (formerly the Lancashire Gujarat Health Users' Forum).

Youth Activities
GHS has always recognised the need to focus its attention on young people in the community. Ever since its inception, GHS has put on many activities for young people. This includes the weekly youth club, Balkunj Bhajan group, annual youth festival, Bollywood dance classes, classical dance classes and more.

Elderly Luncheon Club
Every Monday and Friday we have a very active Luncheon Club for senior members of our community. We currently have 180 members enlisted on the Club although the actual number attending is around 60-70.

Bhajan Bhojan
Bhajan-BhojanThe Bhajan Bhojan programme is for the whole family but, in particular, it helps children to gain confidence and take part in singing bhajans. So, please do come and join in with your family and friends each month.

Cultural activities
GHS is fortunate to have many opportunities to showcase our culture at the Centre as well as externally in the community. These include annual events such as the Preston Mela and the various Health Melas, as well as numerous cultural events that occur throughout the year.

Women Empowerment
GHS has remained committed to ensure women and young girls play an important role in the running of the Centre. Ever since the opening, our ladies have been the backbone. They have worked side by side with management ensuring that whatever task was on hand got done.

Health & Wellbeing
The National Forum for Health & Well Being (formerly the Lancashire Gujarat Health Users’ Forum) was founded at the GHS Centre and the Society remains a strong partner. It will continue to support NFHW in promoting health and building partnershipa between the local communities and mainstream health providers.